Color Types

Determine Your Color Profile & Palette
The concept of a color profile is nothing new. For decades women have paid lots of money to have their "colors done" - to find out whether they were a "Spring", "Summer", "Winter" or "Autumn". Unfortunately, there were a number of unscrupulous (or in some cases, simply inept) "consultants" who classified people incorrectly. In fact, I have an aunt who had her "colors done" three different times one year and each time she was told that she was a different season.
Ultimately, she decided that her "color palette" was determined more by the products the consultant wanted to sell than by any real sense of esthetics, and was put off by the concept of color profiles from then on. It's a shame really, because there is truth to the theory of "Seasonal Archetypes" and "Color Profiles". The trouble was that the old method of using Seasonal Archetypes was often complicated and confusing. Too often, this resulted in someone who wasn't sufficiently practiced mistakenly categorizing someone with the wrong color palette.
The new system does have a correlation to the old one: If you were a Spring or an Autumn seasonal archetype, you would now be a "Gold". If you were a Summer or Winter, you would be a "Silver" now. The old categories of Spring and Autumn, and Summer and Winter have merged their color palettes, and their "bad colors" were merged as well. But, rather than talk in terms of the old system, let's look at how to determine which of the new classifications is yours and what they mean.
Determining Your Color Type:
All you need to do this is two pieces of metallic jewelry - one of gold and one of silver. You can use metal stud earrings, neck chains, bracelets, or whatever you prefer, just as long as the item is mostly metal. To determine your color type, just put the jewelry on (or lay them against your skin) and take a look at them. The metal reflecting your color type will appear "brighter" or will "stand-out" more on you than the other.
{Note: It is important to remember that there are a number of theories regarding color typing. The color typing theories have evolved over the last few decades and different “experts” will emerge with a new or varied theory on color typing from time to time.}
What the Color Types Mean:
As mentioned above, the "Silver" and "Gold" types each include two of the old "seasonal archetypes". Here are the specifics for each of the "Metal Types".
The Gold type contains those persons who were formerly classified as Spring and Autumn season archetypes. The type is characterized by beige and olive-toned complexions.
Hair colors range widely, from dark brunettes through pale blondes, but tend toward honeyed and red tones - from rich chocolate browns to pale honey blondes. The eyes may be any color, but are most often darker shades and tend toward shades of brown and hazel.
The Gold color type looks best in rich, warm colors of clothing and accessories. Yellows, oranges, browns, reds, even warmer shades of purple can look good. If lighter shades of color are desired, it's best to go with bright shades as opposed to pastels. Shimmering metallic fabrics in copper, bronze and gold flatter this type's coloration. As a rule, the Gold type should avoid shades of blue and green, as these colors tend to clash with the individual's natural coloring.
The Silver type covers the other two seasonal archetypes, Winter and Summer. The Silver type has skin tones in shades of ivory and cream, tends to have hair colors in cooler, ash tones, although the hair can range from dark (blue-black) to very pale blondes (platinum or bright yellow blonde). Eye colors can, of course, vary through the normal spectrum, but do tend toward pale blue and green.
Silver types look best in cooler colors of clothing and accessories. Blues, greens, soft grays, and cool violets enhance the delicate beauty of the Silver type. Light shades - pastels and muted colors - are especially flattering, although deep jewel-tones of Emerald green and Amethyst violet are great choices for festive occasions. When you opt for metallic fabrics, remember that you want to stick to silvers and platinum or perhaps try an iridescent lame`. The rule for colors to avoid as a Silver type are reds and oranges as these colors will leave the individual looking washed out.
Photo: Michaelheim/Shutterstock
See also:
Color matching
Clothing tips for redheads