Oily Face

Q: My face is constantly oily. How do I control this?
A: Over-production of oil is a common problem for many people, and there are things that can be done to help deal with the problem.
For women who don’t wear make-up (or for any women on days when they aren’t wearing make-up) you can find cleansing face wipes which contain salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps to clear the pores and remove dirt and excess oils. It also helps to stimulate the circulation. You can find these types of facial wipes available from makers such as Stridex, and Biore.
If you find that the salicylic acid formula in the wipes is too strong for your skin (particularly with frequent use) you can also use Witch Hazel and cotton pads. Witch Hazel provides a gentler, more natural alternative to other harsher astringents.
You can also use facial massage to stimulate the circulation in the skin of the face. This will help to regulate the production of oils by the glands in the skin, and can help slow the overproduction of oil. Gentle pressure using the pads of the fingers in a circular motion is usually sufficient to stimulate the blood-flow.
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Photo: Vladimir Gjorgiev/Shutterstock
See also:
Keeping the skin healthy
Winter skin care