Eyelash Extensions

Q: Can you tell me more about eyelash extensions? How does it work?
A: Eyelash extensions generally work the same as most hair extensions products. Individual eyelash extenders are applied to the natural lashes using a bonding agent – specifically mild for use around the eyes. They generally last up to two months.
The greatest trait of eyelash extensions is that they can be used to create specific looks in the eyes, because they can be used to enhance specific areas of the lashes. They can help to fill-in sparse areas, enhance the overall length and fullness, or be used create specific effects.
A full set of lash extensions can cost as much as $350 for the initial application procedure, with re-touch visits recommended every 2-3 weeks, which can cost anywhere from $10-100 or more, depending on what needs to be done as maintenance.
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Photo: KDdesignphoto/Shutterstock
See also:
Tips for beautiful eyelashes
Coloring eyebrows and eyelashes