Dark Under-Eyes

Q: I have dark under-eyes. What can I do to get rid of it?
A: The easiest method is camouflage. You can minimize the appearance of dark circles and under-eyes by using a concealer under your make-up foundation. The concealer should be a shade lighter than your normal foundation and should be used sparingly.
You can also use cooling packs to help minimize any puffiness and stimulate blood-flow to the darkened areas.
If your problems with dark under-eyes are chronic or become increasingly severe, you may want to discuss options with a dermatologist for more aggressive options. Lightening creams, chemical peels and laser treatments are all potential corrective processes available which must be directed and or supervised by a qualified technician.
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Photo: Sruilk/Shutterstock
See also:
Make-up tips and advice
How to use corrective make-up for your eyes