How to Use a Bronzer

Woman who is using bronzer
Q: Once I've reached a tan I like using a bronzer, should I continue to use the bronzer to maintain that color or can I tan without it to maintain?
A: The answer is really pretty simple. The reason for using a bronzer/self-tanning product is because while tanned skin gives a healthy glow and is esthetically pleasing, spending hours lying in the sun exposing your skin to harmful UV rays is not a good idea.
Most bronzers have instructions for maintaining the color you want and should be followed accordingly to keep the color you desire.
In fact, depending on the formulation of the bronzer you used, attempting to maintain a tan could be more difficult because the product may contain strong sunscreen or pigments which could physically block the sun’s rays from penetrating the skin.
Photo: Nas Creatives/Shutterstock
See also:
How tanning works
Do self-tanning creams really work?