Anti-Static Stockings

Q: Is there such a thing as anti-static stockings?
A: Yes, in fact, there is. As synthetic fibre chemistry has advanced, the women’s apparel industry has begun to develop a number of new products offering anti-static qualities. Since static is one of the main complaints among women who wear hosiery, this comes as a welcome development.
Currently, most of the hosiery brands offering anti-static features are found among the higher-end product lines. You can find these as finer ladies’ apparel shops and through online outlets.
However, you can always find laundry care products and special additives containing static-inhibiting formulas. If you can’t find specific anti-static hosiery in your area, you can always look for “anti-static sprays” and fabric softeners that offer “static protection”.
Photo: Vladimir Gjorgiev/Shutterstock
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