Older Women's Hair

How to Deal with Your Changing Hair when You're Older
One of the great facts of life is as we age our body changes. We have come to accept that we will have a slower metabolism, our skin loses elasticity, wrinkles will appear, and our hair will turn gray.
However, our hair does not just turn gray; there are other changes that take place in our hair as well. The older we get, our hair will lose density, elasticity, and will develop a different wave pattern and texture. You will need to provide more moisture to your hair than you did when you were young. You may also find that hairstyles do not hold as well as they did when you were younger.
However, women should not feel that they have to have a short hairstyle just because they are older. The most important thing is to choose a style that flatters you and is appropriate for your type of hair. In fact, hairstyles that were flattering when you were in your mid twenties to early thirties, will likely still be flattering on you in your fifties.
Avoid trendy hairstyles. If you see a younger woman with a style that you like, you do not have to totally dismiss it as a choice. Take a photo of the hairstyle to your hairdresser and discuss the parts of the style that you like. Your hairdresser will be able to use some of those elements to style your hair in a suitable way that is flattering to you. This will help keep your look in style, without trying to hard to look younger.
Below are some hair care tips for aging women:
Caring for the Scalp
Many women start to lose density in their hair as they age, which can lead to the scalp being sunburned. This problem often occurs because women simply do not realize their hair has thinned. If you notice your hair becoming thinner, use conditioning products that have sun block added to them. You can also use regular Sunblock on the scalp, just apply it carefully when your hair is wet, then dry, and style as usual.
Hormonal issues from menopause or other issues can cause blemishes to appear on the scalp. Acne treatments that contain Salicylic Acid can help clear up these blemishes and keep others from appearing. It works by cleaning the pores on the scalp. Some cleansers can be used before you shampoo, but make sure to rinse it out thoroughly.
It is not recommended to use any type of acne product that contains benzoyl peroxide on the hair as this can cause lightening of the hair.
Hair Conditioning
As you age, your hair will typically become dryer. While conditioning your hair at any age is important, it is even more so for older women. Older women should consider a deep conditioning treatment for their hair every week to help maintain moisture levels in the hair. Use a shampoo and conditioner that offers extra moisturizer, this is really important if you use heat styling on your hair.
Your hair begins losing its elasticity as you age as well. A protein treatment should be done every month to help your hair regain strength. This will make your hair easier to style; the hairstyles will last longer as well. Anti-frizz serum can be used to help smooth the cuticle layer, which prevents moisture and protein loss. There are several hair care products that have a “smooth” formula, which will close the cuticles to leave your hair shiny and silky.
How to Deal with Gray Hair
Gray hair can happen at any age, but is usually a sign of aging. There are some women that simply accept the fact that they are going gray and do nothing about it. However, there are others that feel gray hair is a major issue and go to the drug store for a hair coloring kit or run to the salon. Whatever your feelings are about gray hair, there is some information you need to know.
When your hair turns gray, it is more than just the pigment changing color, other changes are occurring as well. The cuticle layer of the hair will be more compact, which makes the hair resist penetration. Because of this, hair will typically be more difficult to curl, may resist color treatments, and other chemical processes such as straightening and perms. Color resistance is ironic because getting rid of gray hair is one of the main reasons people color treat their hair.
There is a way to get around the resistance gray hair has to coloring. You will simply need to soften the hair first, in other words, swell the cuticles so they will take the color better. If you do not pre soften your hair, you may find that you pay for a color treatment that simply washes away after it is done.
Some women enjoy the look of their gray hair, especially if it is silvery or white, which can be quite beautiful for specific hairstyles. However, commonly women complain that their gray hair seems dull or yellow and has a lack of luster. This can be caused by environmental factors, diet, medication, or product build up. This problem can be solved by using products that are designed to help remove “yellow” from gray hair. These products have bluing agents and clarifying surfactants to help get rid of residue, resulting in sparkly silver hair.
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Photo: Gyorgy Barna/Shutterstock
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