Winter Hair Care

Tips for Caring for Your Hair in the Winter
When it comes to winter weather, we know the influence the wind, snow, and cold temperatures can have on our skin. However, many people do not know that their hair is also at risk for damage from these environmental factors. Below are a few tips on how to keep your hair healthy during those long winter months.
Controlling Static
Aside from wearing wool in the winter, the dryer air can cause you to build up a static charge simply from walking across the carpet. A solution for this is to keep some hairspray on you and apply it when you notice your hair starting to become static. This will negate the static charge and keep your hair in place.
Use Scarves
One issue with winter months and your hair is the clothing that you have to wear to stay warm. Hoods, ear muffs, caps, all play havoc on your hairstyle. Some of these items can even cause damage to your hair and most may cause static. A solution to this problem is to use a satin or silk scarf as a barrier between your hair and the hood, muffs, or hat. The scarf can be wrapped around your head before putting your winter gear on. This will create a barrier and the silk or satin protects your hair from static charges and the roughness of the fabric of your hat or hood.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not summer that leads to dry hair. During the summer, your hair is exposed to heat and sun and your body perspires, which requires your sebaceous glands to work harder to keep your hair moisturized. In the winter, we move from cold to warm places, stripping our hair of all its moisture in the process.
When you are spending so much time indoors, it is important to keep your hair protected. Anti-frizz serums and leave in conditioners should be used to keep your hair sealed against moisture loss.
Dry Your Hair before Going Outside
Many of us heard as children that if we went outside with wet hair in the winter we would get pneumonia. While medical science has since debunked this statement, but there is another problem with going out in cold weather with wet hair, your hair can freeze. When water freezes, it expands, if your hair is wet, that moisture can freeze, expand, and damage your hair.
Protect your hair in the winter by making sure it is completely dry before going outside. Use a shampoo and conditioner that is enriched with protein. Before using a blow dryer on your hair, add a leave in conditioner. Make sure to completely dry the hair.
Choose a Winter Friendly Style
If you live in an area where you need to wear a hat to stay warm in the winter, a high volume curly do is probably not the best choice. Super short haircuts are also not advisable for winter months. Choose a style that will allow you to look good and stay warm.
Following these easy tips can help keep your hair healthy during the winter. With a little planning, you can keep your hair looking great no matter what the weather.
Photo: Benevolente82/Shutterstock